The Worthiness Project is here
to inspire, uplift, and remind
you of your inherent value.
Hi from Andy and Laura!
The Worthiness Project originated as an outpouring of the beautiful lessons we have learned about unconditional love, peace, and safety that is available now without condition. And the astounding Presence of our Divinity and Its natural creativity and creative power. It is our joy to provide this offering to you!
Worthiness is a latent ever present truth that you are entitled to love, peace, and joy as function of who you are as the spirit of the One Infinite Creator. When we believe and hold to the belief that we are unworthy, then we are holding a belief about ourselves that is quite unnatural. This creates experiences of lack, sadness, loneliness, despair, scarcity, and fear. Therefore, the experience of unworthiness is a mistaken, albeit persistent, belief that is the seed for suffering. As you see yourself, so will you see the world. So, what are you giving yourself in this moment?
We come together to gently explore and practice an approach to effectively realize and heal the belief in unworthiness that brings us into the direct experience of present love, innocence, and joy. If you are reading this then you are ready, you called this to yourself.
An aspect of restoring our awareness (memory) of our Divine worthiness is noticing blockages to realizing our Divine essence that arise in our consciousness. Addressing these veils/belief blockages with Divine gentleness is a wonderful aspect of what takes place here at The Worthiness Project.
The Worthiness Project includes the following offerings:​
Private Sessions
Group Sessions
All offerings are done in the service of your True self, you are worthy dear one. It is time to remember and celebrate!